Covington, Tennessee
Brownsville, Tennessee
(901) 476-8140
St. Alphonsus Knights of Columbus Council 10641
Council Officer elections have been completed and the following officers have been elected.
The normal term is the Fraternal Year which is from July 1st, 2022 to June 30th, 2023.
Grand Knight David Calvet
Deputy Grand Knight John Wheeler
Chancellor Chuck Clark
Treasurer Dave Hessling
Recorder Jeremy Pesnell
Warden James Watkins
Advocate Ellis Barrett
Inside Guard Patton Williams
Outside Guard Zachary Gogel
One-Year Trustee Gary Buda
Two-Year Trustee Bryan Wellbrock
Three-Year Trustee Jack Schaefer, Jr.
The following officers are appointed (not elected)
Financial Secretary Jim E. Daily (Appointed by Supreme Council)
Lecturer Chuck Clark (Appointed by Grand Knight)
The monthly council business meeting is held on the first Wednesday of each month. Rosary is prayed starting at 6:30 PM. The business meeting begins at 7:00 PM.
While our council does not currently have its own website, we have a FaceBook page. Look for St. Alphonsus KofC Council 10641 on FaceBook.
All meetings are held at:
St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
1225 Hwy 51 South
Covington, TN 38019